New Post

I know some of you may have an ego reaction reading this.

After all. you’ve spent dozens of hours building AI Chatbots.

We can’t let that go to waste now, can we?

This newest ‘trend’ where it’s still ‘unsaturated’.

Even though you're still struggling to get clients.

Book meetings consistently.

You still want to prove yourself and plant your feet firmly in this space.

As you rightfully would want to.

Who doesn’t want to carve a space for himself and earn recurring sustenance?

And be recognized as an innovator in the space?

With innovative chatbot solutions?

But why?

Why fight through so much friction?

Why put an absurd amount of time gaining nothing in return?

When you just book meetings because prospects understand your offer.

This morning

Today’s meeting

Look, I was there myself just a few short months. ago.

AAA allowed me to quit my food delivery job…

Move countries and live among the friendliest people on earth.

But it won’t take me to where I want to be.

Do you want a brand that is understood clearly in plain English or not?

Minimize friction and be seen as valuable by default?

Or do you want to fight to be understood so you can celebrate your AI Automation Agency “win“in the Discords…

Really, think about where you want to be.

If you want to setup your No-Code Dev Agency.

I am hosting a workshop at the end of the month.

Tickets are here.

All you have to do is get one and reply with your screenshot to get admitted.

I only have 10 spots to preserve the quality of the workshop.

See you there,
