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You know that feeling when you’re speaking to a prospect about AI Automation

and he’s just not getting you?

You try to explain in more detail about your business model itself.

Before you even pitch your offer to him.

This was the very reason I quit my AI Automation Agency… I don’t even want to remember how many leads I lost at the top of the funnel. Just explaining what AI Automation is…

That’s why at the end of this month I’ll be hosting a full workshop on how to rebrand to a No-Code Dev Agency.

By the end of the workshop, you’ll walking away with the right way to position yourself as a No Code Dev Agency, the right offers to sell, how to structure your pricing model and how to get clients for this service.

You’ll also have the recording to keep for yourself too.

I will keep this to 10 people only to preserve the quality.

Would you like to join?

Reply "Yes" and I'll send you the details.

Nur Ahmed